Maximum Water Power Hydrologic Estimation and Energy Optimization MARNAS
Best for your hydroelectric power plant
MARNAS maximizes your income by using catchment calibration (catchment modeling).
The purpose of MARNAS system is to maximize owners’ income by preparing daily operation scenario for their hydroelectric power plants. It provides energy optimization and efficiently helps the operation of the hydroelectric power plant.
How MARNAS works?
Catchment analysis
is made after defining catchment borders.
Precipitation, temperature and water flow
are collected for the analyzed catchment.
Catchment calibration
is made after the data reaches to a certain level.
Next 72 hour’s temperature and precipitation data
are obtained.
Estimated flow data
are calculated for next 72 hours.
Hourly day-ahead electric prices
are obtained from PMUM center.
Prices and hourly estimated water flow data
are processed through optimization system.
Daily operation scenario
is generated .
- Weather analysis
- Hydraulic model calibration
- Hydrologic estimation
- Estimation of catchment flow
- Energy optimization
- Flood warning calculation
User Panel
- Daily operation scenario
- Next 72 hour’s temperature and precipitation data
- Estimated flow data for next 72 hours
- Observed retroactive data
- Hourly day-ahead price
- Price analysis
- Flood warning system